Counseling Services

Couples & Family
Children and Teens
Relationship Issues
Child and Adult ADHD
Anxiety and Fears
Personal Growth
Parenting Support
Stress Management


Risa Simpson-Davis, LCSW
Owner/Clinical Director
Couples/Marriage Counselor

[email protected]

Verified Chester, NJ Therapist verified by Psychology Today Directory


Leslie Zindulka, LCSW-R, LSW
Teens/Young Adults/Adults

[email protected]


Lori Fortunato, MSW, LCSW
Substance Abuse

[email protected]


Carla Hugo
Certified Divorce Coach

[email protected]

31 Fairmount Avenue
Suite 205
Chester, NJ 07930
(732) 742-0329

Serving Chester NJ, Flanders, Long Valley, Bedminster, and other surrounding areas in Morris County, Warren County, Sussex County, Hunterdon County, Essex County, and virtually to all of New Jersey

Balancing Parenting with Marriage: A Journey Towards Harmony

Balancing Parenting with Marriage: A Journey Towards Harmony

Parenting and marriage are two of the most significant and rewarding experiences in life. However, balancing these two roles can be challenging, as both require time, energy, and emotional investment. Maintaining a healthy marriage while being effective parents is crucial for a happy and harmonious family life. Here are some strategies to help balance parenting with marriage.

1. Prioritize Communication

Effective communication is the foundation of  strong  and healthy relationships. As parents, it’s essential to keep the lines of communication open with your partner. Discuss your feelings, concerns, and needs regularly. Schedule regular check-ins to ensure you’re both on the same page regarding parenting styles, discipline, and family values. This will help prevent misunderstandings and foster a supportive environment.

 2. Make Time for Each Other

It’s easy to get caught up in the daily demands of parenting and forget to nurture your relationship. Set aside dedicated time for each other, even if it’s just a few minutes each day. Plan regular date nights or special activities that you both enjoy. This quality time helps strengthen your bond and decreases marital stress.  It will remind you why you chose each other as partners.

3. Share Responsibilities

Parenting is a team effort. Share the responsibilities of childcare and household chores to prevent burnout and resentment. Dividing tasks ensures that both partners have time to relax and pursue their interests. It also sets a positive example for your children about teamwork and equality.

 4. Support Each Other’s Parenting Roles

Respect and support each other’s parenting roles and decisions. It’s important to present a united front to your children. Discuss and agree on parenting strategies and back each other up when dealing with the kids. This mutual support reinforces your partnership,  helps your children feel secure and creates family harmony.

 5. Embrace Flexibility

Parenting and marriage both require flexibility. Be prepared to adapt and change as your children grow and your relationship evolves. Life with kids can be unpredictable, and being flexible helps you manage stress and stay connected with your partner.

6. Prioritize Self-Care

Taking care of yourself is essential for maintaining a healthy relationship. Ensure you both have time for self-care activities that rejuvenate and energize you. When you feel good physically and emotionally, you’re better equipped to handle the demands of parenting, improve family dynamics and nurture your marriage.  

7. Cultivate Gratitude and Appreciation

Regularly express gratitude and appreciation for your partner. Acknowledge their efforts and contributions to the family. Small gestures of kindness and recognition go a long way in maintaining a positive and loving relationship.

8. Nurture Your Friendship

At the core of a strong marriage is a solid friendship. Make an effort to maintain the friendship aspect of your relationship. Share interests, hobbies, and laughter. A strong friendship helps you weather the challenges of parenting together.

 9. Remember the Bigger Picture

Amidst parenting challenges, it’s important to remember the bigger picture. You’re building a life together and raising a family. Keep your long-term goals and dreams in mind and support each other in achieving them. This perspective can help you stay focused on what truly matters and navigate the ups and downs of parenting with a united front.

10. Seek Professional Help When Needed

There’s no shame in seeking professional help if you’re struggling to balance parenting with marriage. Couples therapy or marriage counseling can provide valuable tools and strategies to strengthen your relationship and give you the parenting support to create a healthier family system. Modern Family Counseling offers expert guidance to help couples and parents navigate these challenges effectively.

Balancing parenting with marriage is a continuous journey that requires effort, patience, and love. By prioritizing your relationship and supporting each other as parents, you can create a harmonious family environment where both your marriage and children can thrive. Visit for more resources and support in balancing your roles as parents and partners.

Risa Simpson-Davis, LCSW Owner/Clinical Director at Modern Family Counseling, LLC
[email protected]



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Modern Family Counseling, LLC

(732) 742-0329

31 Fairmount Avenue
Suite 205
Chester, NJ 07930

Serving Chester NJ, Flanders, Long Valley, Bedminster, and other surrounding areas in Morris County, Warren County, Sussex County, Hunterdon County, Essex County, and virtually to all of New Jersey

Counseling Services

Couples & Family
Children and Teens
Relationship Issues
Child and Adult ADHD
Anxiety and Fears
Personal Growth
Parenting Support
Stress Management


Risa Simpson-Davis, LCSW
Owner/Clinical Director
Couples/Marriage Counselor

[email protected]

Verified Chester, NJ Therapist verified by Psychology Today Directory


Leslie Zindulka, LCSW-R, LSW
Teens/Young Adults/Adults

[email protected]


Lori Fortunato, MSW, LCSW
Substance Abuse

[email protected]


Carla Hugo
Certified Divorce Coach

[email protected]

31 Fairmount Avenue
Suite 205
Chester, NJ 07930
(732) 742-0329

Serving Chester NJ, Flanders, Long Valley, Bedminster, and other surrounding areas in Morris County, Warren County, Sussex County, Hunterdon County, Essex County, and virtually to all of New Jersey